New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

As you map out your 2024 New Year’s resolutions, focus on attainable goals and lifestyle modifications that boost your health and wellness. While resolutions will vary based on the individual, below are eight ways to positively begin the new year! 1. Commit to An...
What Are The Secrets To Aging Well?

What Are The Secrets To Aging Well?

Movement. Diet. Purpose. Community. These are the not-so-mysterious “secrets” to aging well. Let’s explore what longer-living folks around the world have in common and how the right senior living community can help you age well and live your retirement years to the...
Video: Signs a Senior Loved One May Need Additional Care

What To Expect In Memory Care

Memory Care is a type of residential long-term care designed to improve the safety and quality of life for those with dementia or other memory-affecting condition. If you’re researching Memory Care options for a loved one, you probably have a lot of questions about...